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. i don’t remember exactly) and reached only down till her shoulders. I think these two were the ones who made me a long hair fetish..The Visit I was having a good time in the city, enjoying the long hairs. by that time I had many long hair girl friends. For some time I was in contact with Aswathy and Sreeja, messaging most days. But later I was busy with my days in the city. It was then my Uncle called and told that Sreeja is having an exam in the city and asked if they could stay at my home. My mom agreed readily, as she also longed to see them after many years (7 years to be exact). She also asked him to let them stay here for while, for the sake of sight seeing.My mom made me stay at home the day they were supposed to come. First I was not interested, but later I thought about meeting Sreeja and Aswathy, I agreed. Uncle, Aunt and their two daughters reached home by the afternoon. After a long train journey, they were all tired.The first thing I noticed was that, both Sreeja and. There were voices inside me, sensations and desires and yearnings. I howled again, moving towards the fire, walking like a human woman, but behind me my shadow moved like a dog.I danced with the children, growling and tilting my head towards the moan, voicing my great joy. The men chanted and women moved silently around us, bringing wood and water and meat for a feast. There were no speeches, no incantations or magical spells. No prayers but those we all sang together across the rhythmic beating of thin doeskin stretched tight upon the great and ancient hollow logs that ranged around us.My voice was answered as a wolf heard my sound and answered. He was coming, he said, he would find me, and I continued my passionate cries until he was there, a large and wild animal from the uplands. His eyes glowed yellow and red and he lurked in the shadows, regarding the Indians with suspicion and fear. He gave sharp barks and his back bristled, the long silver and black hair around his shoulders.
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